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GC Background Check

We offer background checking services, based on our extensive experience in conjunction with a licensed private detective.  This is a background checking service far beyond basic services offered by many companies for employment.  It is more extensive than anything you can find on Google. Our private detective has screened over 1000 potential GCs in the past eight years and we have learned much.  It is noteworthy to mention that licensed private detectives have access to databases not publicly available.  They also are skilled to pick up on clues that may need further investigation.


In our approach we look at the GC, and if necessary her spouse. Biographical information, criminal, traffic offense information as well as any civil case info, liens, criminal records, bankruptcies, judgements, licenses and permits, criminal charges, and National sex offender information is included to ensure a comprehensive examination.  The search of the detective is nationwide, not just her current county or state of residence.  We also include a social media search looking for red flags such as drug paraphernalia and gang signs in photos.


Results available in one week. 

Extensive background checking with licensed private detective for every location the GC has lived. 


Background review includes:

  • Civil actions such as court cases

  • Any criminal charges

  • Any traffic infractions

  • Bankruptcy, liens and judgements

  • Sex offender list check

  • Review for appropriate or inappropriate social media

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